Shan Thayaparan Conservative

Shan Thayaparan Conservative
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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Tim Hudak will Eliminate Dalton McGuinty’s Sneaky Eco Taxes
Markham-Unionville —Today, Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak was joined by PC candidate for Markham-Unionville, Shan Thayaparan and PC candidate for Oak Ridges-Markham, Farid Wassef, at the baseball diamond in Denison Park to mark the first anniversary of Dalton McGuinty’s infamous double play last Canada Day when he snuck in eco taxes on 9,000 household items on the very same day he brought in his HST tax grab.

With the HST, the health tax, skyrocketing hydro bills and eco taxes, life has become unaffordable for many families. A Tim Hudak PC government will eliminate Dalton McGuinty’s eco taxes on items families use everyday around their homes, like light bulbs, laptops and iPods, to help give them the relief they need.

These costly, bureaucratic schemes don’t do anything to improve the environment. For example, in 2009, Ontario’s electronics recycling program collected $33 million in eco taxes, while only achieving 2 percent of its reuse targets. Worse yet, Dalton McGuinty remains committed to bringing in more eco taxes, should he be given the chance.

On October 6th, Ontario families face a clear choice – more sneaky eco taxes from Tax Man Dalton McGuinty or the change and relief they need from a Tim Hudak PC government.


“July 1st not only marked the unofficial start to summer in Ontario with the celebration of Canada Day, but it also marked the first anniversary of Dalton McGuinty’s spectacular double play that hit the family budget hard.”
--Tim Hudak, Ontario PC Leader

“Dalton McGuinty’s eco taxes don’t do anything to improve our environment. They just add to the family burden. That’s why I will eliminate Dalton McGuinty’s sneaky eco taxes once and for all.”
--Tim Hudak, Ontario PC Leader

  • On July 1, 2010, Dalton McGuinty secretly slapped a sneaky eco tax on 9,000 household items, including: soap, bath toys, smoke alarms, sunblock, batteries, flashlights, air conditioners, clock radios, and even several ‘green’ products, such as grass seed and other lawn care products, energy saving light bulbs and rechargeable batteries, and insulation used to make your home more energy efficient. 
  • According to the 2009 Annual Report for Ontario Electronic Stewardship– one of the agencies responsible for the eco tax program –$33 million in eco taxes were collected on electronics, but only achieved 2 percent of its reuse target. Even worse, families recently discovered $20 million in extra eco taxes have been left sitting in a bank account confirming this program is nothing more than a tax grab.
  • Only a Tim Hudak government will provide relief for families by taking the HST and Debt Retirement Charge off home energy and home heating bills, lowering income taxes by 5%, and allowing couples to share up to $50,000 of their income for tax purposes.  Read more about Tim Hudak’s commitment to bring change at
CONTACT: Alan Sakach | 416-848-8154 |

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